Ultrasound Initiative


Knights of Columbus Council 8077

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton ministries unite with the Knights of Columbus

The Ultrasound Initiative sponsored by the Knights of Columbus supreme Council has provided over 1000 ultrasound machines to pregnancy centers around the world. Council 8077 is proud to lead this initiative at our parish. However, a task this size will be much more successful with the help of the entire parish. Father Edward Lucero and the ministries at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton have agreed to help with this initiative.


The Knights of Columbus works together as an organization to purchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancy centers. After the state and or local counsel raises 50% of the cost, the Knights of Columbus supreme Council will provide the other 50% to complete funding for purchase of an ultrasound machine.

A Higher Purpose

Saving lives by helping each abortion minded woman to choose life by viewing their unborn children on ultrasound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers is a successful way to save our children. This initiative is funded by the Knights of Columbus state and local councils with matching grants from supreme Council’ culture of life fund.

Roy Champeau Council 8077 ultrasound initiative

Working with ministries of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish, Council 8077 is raising $17,000 to purchase an ultrasound machine to be placed at a pro-life pregnancy center where it is most needed.

How can you help

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, the day before Mother’s Day, we will celebrate all mothers at a fundraising event. The dinner will be at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic church. Tickets are $30 per person; a table of eight can be purchased for $300 which will include a full-page ad in the event program. Live music will be provided for your entertainment. There will also be a raffle and auction items to include dinner with Bishop Weisenberger. Bishop Weisenburger has graciously excepted our invitation to attend and speak at the dinner.

Sponsor Opportunities

Contributors may receive advertising in the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative program, a copy of which will be distributed to all in attendance at the dinner.

The levels of donations to the ultrasound initiative are as follows:

  • a $100 donation secures a full-page ad in the program
  •  a $50 donation secures a half page ad in the program                                         
  • a $300 donation secure is a table (8 tickets) and a full-page ad in the program.

Checks should be written to “K of C 8077 “

Ad Specifications For The Ultrasound Initiative Program

The preferred method of sending ads is a “press quality” PDF . Other acceptable methods:        

  • Adobe Illustrator    
  •  EPS
  •  high-resolution JPEG (300 dpi or higher)
  • full-page ad 5” wide x 8” high (portrait orientation only) 
  • half page ad 5” wide x 4” high (landscape orientation only)

Ads must be submitted electronically to JC 22925@gmail.com

Hard-copies with the expectation of having them scanned are not acceptable.                             

For questions concerning ads contact Joe Curran at 520-331-4883

For additional information and/or to purchase tickets please contact one of the following:

Jeff Schneider 520-419-4130 bronte1@mindspring.com                                 Dave Chohon 1-520539-5528 1945dwc@gmail.com                                                    Bobby Nielsen 520-349-0728 bnielsen200@gmail.com

Deadline For Program Ads April 26, 2019 by 5:00 PM

You can download this information packet here: Ultrasound Packet